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Module 5.a: Company Capability Statement

Module 5.a: Company Capability Statement


If you’re new to GovCon or you have been in the game for a while, you know you need a corporate capabilities statement. Customers ask for them, teaming partners as for them, they often make great website content, so lets do it with GPT.

I. Step 1: Set Your Custom Instructions

We talked about this in a previous module, save yourself a ton of time with persona and context prompts, pay the $20 and subscribe to ChatGPT+ so you can set your custom instructions.

As we discussed previously and demonstrate below, set up your instructions to fit the kind of writing you want to do; detail, voice, grade level, etc.


II. Step 2: Give the Chat a Format

We could extract a format from a capes statement that we have on hand, or if we’re starting from scratch we can use a search engine and just look for what the government wants to see in your submission, most of them will tell you.

Now, lets do this step by step, first we’re just going to give the format, then we’ll refine. We could try to stack the prompts in one shot, but this way has a lower likelihood of failure.


III. Iterate and Refine

You can see that you can have the chat change features like NAICS codes, the verbosity of the individual sections, etc. Here it is a little easier to stack prompts, ask it to change multiple items in the text at once. If you want to be sure the AI understands the multiple commands, do a carriage return (ctrl+enter) and add ### then another carriage return, the AI will read it as separate instructions.


IV. Tailor It!

The government gets mountains of generic or general capability statements, why? Because every company has them on the shelf ready to go, you just attach the file and send. But, you have AI, so YOU can write a tailored capes statement with ease. Imagine how much you’ll stand out when your capability statement is tailored to the company of customer, you’ll be the red balloon among a sea of grey.



  • "I need to write a corporate capabilities statement, which I will write in Microsoft Word, but I want you to generate the contents, the following is the guidance for writing, be very verbose in the capabilities section:"
  • "what naics codes are relevant to a company that does custom software engineering and enterprise IT services?"
  • "ok, rewrite the capability statement and include 541511, 541519, 541690, and 541990 naics codes"
  • "rewrite and include SEAPORT NxG, VETS2, and GSA Schedule 70 as contract vehicles, and set the company name as UseRogue.com"
  • "rewrite and describe the major services offered in technical detail"

Check out the full text on ChatGPT

V. Practical Exercise

  1. Do it yourself! made a brand new, tailored capability statement.
  2. Follow the steps above and share your results in the group
  3. Give feedback below

GovCon GPT Masterclass

31 lessons

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